Sonki The HedgehawgÂ
By: Bandder
Welp, looks like hes back again, with new sprites, and some extra new features!?!?!?!?!?
Thats right, Sonki the Hedgwhawg is back and remade even better!
Download him below via Platinum Online or Google Drive
A momentum jumpthok, pretty straight forward
Press spin in the air to bounce! Bouncing will refresh your air moves again, so combo the jumpthok and the bounce for some insane speed!
If you have played srb2, you have used this move.
Press C1 to do a taunt! Press it just when an enemy is about to hit you to parry!
Look at that, its the obligatory dash mode!
New Feature: Afterimage Customization!
You can now customize Sonki's afterimage colors to your liking! You can have a combination of 4 colors.
sonki_color1 <color> - sets the first color
sonki_color2 <color> - sets the second color
sonki_color3 <color> - sets the third color
sonki_color4 <color> - sets the fourth color
sonki_colorall <color> <color> <color> <color> - sets all the colors
Your colors also save between play sessions, so you never need to put in the commands again unless you want to change colors again!
(Default is SonkiAIRed, SonkiAIRed, SonkiAIGreen, SonkiAIGreen)