An all new library to make any level more dynamic!

Add custom camera work to every stage! Make more dynamic setpieces! Allow for better depth perception! Guide players without needing arrow signs!

Download the library below via Platinum Online or GitHub!

Perfect 2D Compatibility

Tilt the 2D camera! Allow it to better show areas ahead!


Pull the camera back, show off your level, do something cool and new!


Help hide ugly teleports with pizzaz!

Like The Official Games

Unlock the powers that Sega and Sonic Team use in their own sonic games!


With several conditions to set to automatically restore the default cam

How To Use:

Important Notes:

Default Mode

This is the "OFF" mode of SolCam, where other cameras can take over, or where the player camera has input.

Function Name: SOLCAMDF

UDMF Arguments:

Argument 1: Camera Transition Time [ticks]

Argument 2: Angle for Exiting Camera [degrees]

Binary Arguments

Linedef Angle: Angle for Exiting Camera [degrees]

Orbital Mode

Set a fixed camera that follows the player.

Function Name: SOLCAMOR

UDMF Arguments:

Argument 1: Camera Transition Time [ticks]

Argument 2: Camera Distance from Player [fracunits]

Argument 3: Angle from Player [degrees]

Argument 4: Camera Height Offset relative to Player [fracunits]

Argument 5: Autocancel after [ticks]

String Argument 2: Extra Autocancel Condition

Binary Arguments

Front Side X Offset: Camera Distance from Player [fracunits]

Linedef Angle: Angle from Player [degrees]

Front Side Y Offset: Camera Height Offset relative to Player [fracunits]

Autocancel Conditions:

“jump”:  SolCam cancels upon a jump

“spring”: SolCam cancels when sprung

“grounded”: SolCam cancels when you hit the ground

“carry”: SolCam cancels when you get carried by something

Autocancel Conditions:

“jump”:  SolCam cancels upon a jump

“spring”: SolCam cancels when sprung

“grounded”: SolCam cancels when you hit the ground

“carry”: SolCam cancels when you get carried by something

Static Point Mode

Like the original Alternate Viewpoint, except upgraded!

Note, this requires you to place an Alternate Viewpoint Thing to use this mode, and either tag it directly to the linedef (UDMF) or tag the sector its in to the linedef (Binary)

Function Name: SOLCAMSP

UDMF Arguments:

Argument 1: Camera Transition Time [ticks]

Argument 2: Tag of Alternate Viewpoint Mapthing [number]

Argument 5: Autocancel after [ticks]

String Argument 2: Extra Autocancel Condition

Binary Arguments

Front Side X Offset: Camera Transition Time [ticks]

Tag: Sector tag where the Alternate Viewpoint Mapthing resides [number]

More updates and modes are planned for this in the future! Stay tuned!